Kaiser Insurance Cleveland ohio
I am interested in hearing about anyones experience with Kaiser My daughter (23) and myself have the same coverage and at her doctors visit on Saturday she talked to the doctor about bariatric surgery The doctor said they do allow the surgery but have a protocol to follow starting with 6 months of seeing the dietician then theres a physc evaluation ect.. wondering if they push the time frame up for someone with medical problems other than just a high BMI and if anyone has gotten approved or if this is just a time consuming adventure with no good outcomes.
Hi there
I was wondering what you might have found out?
I was banded selfpay last December.. I am looking into getting my husband banded in 2008.
What have you found out about their qualifications? I am getting the run around with Kaiser right now.. different answers every time I call. We start Kaiser on 1/1/8.
Cleveland, Ohio
Curvy Consignments
13902 Puritas Ave
Cleveland, OH 44135
Plus Size Consignment Shop in Cleveland
Down 112... 46 to go.
They do cover the surgery You have to go through about an 8 month program that starts with the dietician and you have to successfully lose 10% of your body weight prior to surgery. you have to see the dietician every month and then at a certain point meet with the surgeons to decide on surgery type etc...