My PCP acts like he doesn't know how to supervise a diet?!?
My PCP is supportive of me having WLS, however he acts like he has no education in supervising a diet and wants to pass me off to the ENDOcrinologist. She is even more rushed and acts like this is a huge burden. I want my PCP to do this, how can a Dr albeit young, not know how to put his patient on a diet?
If your PCP doesn't seem too up on the supervised diet plan, maybe you would be better off seeing a dietician. Some people see the dietician and then have a Dr visit where they are weighed, etc. However, with my surgeon they have a program right through them. I saw the dietician, got the diet, which had to be modified (celiac disease). I was weighed in, given a folder with the papers to keep a log of food and exercise. Then was shown what real serving sizes look like. On top of that she went over how much of what food groups to have. Then she told me 1200 calories for the day and to make sure I exercised. After that it was one month to the second weigh in etc. I like that they have a program through them. I know the most thing you should do is document. Also I was told, and just to let you know, most ins companies require a 6 month diet. That means 6 consecutive months and they have to be documented. If you miss one month you have to start all over, and that sucks. Good Luck to you!
P.S. You were asking on my post about BMI, most insurance companies go by the beginning BMI for the qualification for approval.