BC/BS Minnesota - anyone NOT have to do supervised diet first?
As I posted in another thread, I talked a good while with my insurance today, and the guy said that the requirement of a doctor-supervised diet is a guideline that they may or may not ask for, depending if medical history and what the doctor sends in shows that this surgery is the only answer, etc.
I looked through the postings about insurance on this board, and most with BC/BS MN said "approved after first letter." I wonder what that means, exactly? That no diet was required, or, that the diet had been done prior to even sendin the first letter.
I've never had a surgery where my surgeon's office didn't handle insurance for me. Should I be sending them anything myself for preapproval?
I see my regular doctor tomorrow, and I'm going to talk to her and see what I can accomplish now. I haven't even attended the seminar yet! First available one is July 13, so I'm going to that one. The lady at the WLS office said that after the seminar, you can generally get a first consult appt that's within 2 weeks.
TIA for any info!