I'm depressed, disappointed &
Edit: Just found out that it is not Cigna but my employer who says in order for them to pay for the
DS my BMI has to be 60 +. So I can't appeal it. Oh well it will happen when it is ment to.
down BUT I'm not out, I got a denial from Cigna today . 2 reasons #1 my BMI is not high enough (mine 52.3) they won't cover it(DS) unless it's 60+. Mine was 57 before the 6 month Dr. supervised diet. #2 My PCP's chart notes for my 6 month diet is too hard to read!!!!! DUH.....it's a doctors handwriting. This i can get fixed easily. The surgeons office said they have a form that they can send me to have someone in my dr. office to put my chart notes on. So I guess all I need to do now it GAIN 48 lbs. to bring my BMI up to 60.04. I can't belive I'm going to have to do that. The nurse said "you could do the RNY/GB". But I don't think I can live with that WLS. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the RNY. It is just not my choice, my choice is the DS . Thanks for listening to me.