Does anyone know how particular insurance companies are regarding records? I have some receipts from medifast that I ordered online. For reasons unbeknownst to me, the online records are not printing correctly, but if I cut and paste into a word document, I can print it out so you can read it. It's all there, just without the fluff that the internet page would have. If I print this out and send it in with my request, do you think it would be sufficient? I guess they could call Medifast and see, but I can't imagine that they would actually call the company to verify that you participated in their program, can you??? Aren't they just looking for a form that so they can check off that box that you have met that requirement? Sorry, I have my first appointment tomorrow and am trying to get all my documentation together today so I am ready, would love to be like some that are approved from the get-go, so any help/suggestions, would be great!