Got my consult date, now I'm nervous
Well I have my consult date, but now I am nervous about the whole insurance thing. The only requirements for my insurance is my BMI, co-morbidities....both covered and a 5 year weight history so I have requested all my medical records. These 5 years are not specified to having to have been morbidly obese, just weight history. Anyways, for 2 of the past 5 years, I did not go to the doctor, but I have years going back further than that so I hope that counts. The reason I didn't go to the doctor was because he would always give me a hard time about my weight, so needless to say, I didn't want to hear it or get another written prescription to excercise....cuz that helps us out ya know. Anyways, wish me luck!!!
My first consult is tomorrow afternoon. I too hope that it will pass thru insurance easily. Mine requires one comorbitity. I have sleep apnea and it has been classified as mild, trying to work w/ the place to get it diagnosed as severe. Hope it works. Really tired of being overweight.
Good luck!