Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield
My hubby just started a new job that offers empire bcbs. Since I have been looking into wls (lap-band) I called them to see if it is covered. The operator told me that there is not much to do for approval, just the regular stuff. I have carefirst bcbs and it is a self funded plan and of course there are stipulations for getting the surgery approved in addition to the regular requirements. Must work for the company for 5 years, not to mention they only cover the surgery and no follow up visits, adjustments, nothing! That is why I may be going with my husband plan even though it is a little more costly. Like you I would definitely like to know about other experiences as well.
I also have Empire Blue through my dads work according to the policy the exclusions are all the normal ones and I was told by the company that being approved should not be hard at all as long as you meet the criteria stated in the policy. No medically supervised diet or a BMI of 40 or more for 5 years. I hope this is all true and it does not take a long time to get it all together. Best of luck!