united health care choice plus
just wondering if anyone out there has this plan and what their requirements were to be qualified for wls and how difficult it was to be approved? I have a bmi of 49 and have high blood pressure would that be enough alone? Any insight would help I just want to know what im in for. Im planning on trying to get in to see a surgeon in may sometime. Thanks in advance.
I don't understand how UHC can say you have to be morbidly obese for 5 years. I have UHC and am starting to go through the process and they want a 5 year just weight history. I haven't been morbidly obese for 5 years, my weight goes up and down with dieting. I know that people are being denied by UHC because of the 5 years morbid obesity and I just don't get it. I will be mad and ready to fight if they want me to try and stay fat the next 5 years in order to get my surgery approved.
Believe me i will fight for my surgery too. I have been morbidly obese atleast 6 years. I just hope I can get all the medical records I need. Do you know if they need verification for every year of those five years or can you just get one record from 5 years ago stating your weight then. I might could get a couple records between now and then. Also is there a supervised diet or anything that you have to do before approval like some other companies? Thanks for your input.
I believe they need a weight for every year the last 5 years, but like I previously stated each policy is different. I don't have a weight for 2006 or 2004, 2006 because I was too embarrassed to be weighed because I used to work for my doctor and 2004 I didn't go to the doctor at all for that reason also. I do have other things documented from those times like when I weighed with a trainer at the gym. I don't have to do a supervised diet, but most policies and insurance companies you do have to do a 6 month supervised diet.