My husband's employer changes insurance, new one does not cover
Old insurance was Great west, which did cover the surgery
new insurance, self-funded United Healthcare, which has an exclusion (that I just found out about this week)
They told us we had to switch on March 8th, effective April 1st.
I was all set to have gastric bypass. I went through all the very rigorous prerequisites and tests and everything. I even had my insurance processing the authorization. Then Alex's company tells us that they're changing insurances and that we all have to change over to a new insurance. They say it's a comparable plan..and I ask specifically if there are any surgical exclusions...anything that could hinder me. I am assured that everything will be fine.
I look over every single piece of documentation and benefit info they give us just to make sure (you and i both know how there can be fine print). And everything is good. So we switch insurances, and then my surgeon applies with the new insurance, and lo and behold, there is a specific exclusion to this very surgery. And it's in a benefit summary we've never seen and was never given to us.
I talk to his HR, to the insurance, to the surgeon, to everyone..and I can file an appeal, which they'll deny and they'll be able to make it stick. I can pay out of pocket, where I'm looking at 30,000 that I just don't have, or I can hire an attorney and most likely still be denied.
I just did so much work for nothing, and I put myself through so much stress for nothing. I've been going through t his for 8 months for nothing.
I'm going to appeal, but I know it will be denied.