Call or Wait??
My packet was sent to Empire BC/BS on April 13th. I emailed them on the 20th to confirm they received it - which they did. They told me it could take up to 30 business days to make a decision and I would receive something in writing. Should I call them to check on the status of the review or should I wait until I receive something in the mail? The anticipation is killing me!!!!!!
Gary, How do I get the appeal process ready to go. I called the Medical Manager again today and they faxed a form to my surgeon's office to have them fill something out. I just spoke to the insurance specialist at my surgeon's office and she warned me that the insurance problaby won't cover LapBand and has never had a situation where insurance denied coverage because someone had a BMI too high. She has fought and won several cases where someones BMI was too low and won, but she didn't know what to do for someone who has too high of a BMI.