I posted this in a Wisconsin forum and was told I might get help here?????

on 4/25/07 1:10 pm - TX
Big Let Down....Found out my insurance won't cover ANYTHING relating to obesity... Original Post by Jamille B at 11:05 PM CST on 04/24/2007 I just don't know how to feel. I was so excited gathering research about bariatric procedures. I knew for sure the lapband would be a great choice for me. My doctor thought that bariatric surgery was a good idea for me. I have what I thought to be GREAT insurance, so imagine my surprise when I called to see if any procedures were covered and I was told not only was it not approved, but that NO procedures having anything to do with obesity was covered. It honestly HURT. I spoke to the hospital suggested by my doctor (which I was told by the insurance had no bearing whether he suggested or not), and they said I can pay myself all I need is $15,000. I ran out to the money tree in my backyard to find like much of the other trees in the midwest, it hadn't sprouted any money leaves . I am sure I'm not the first and won't be the last to face this problem, but again it hurts. It's not bad enough being obese but to have a company say we aren't going to treat you for anything having to do with your disease is horrible. I am not at a place where I can take a loan out so I'm just sitting here trying to think of something. Still unable to process the way I feel and why it feels like someone has stomped on my dream. I guess I just ask for encouragement and prayers from you all.  BTW I have blue cross/blue shield Tennessee
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/07 8:48 pm
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/07 8:50 pm
on 4/26/07 1:19 am - TX

Thank you very much this information is extremely helpful.  I appreciate it greatly and I will now know exactly what to ask. I'll keep you posted on my progress! :) Jamille

on 4/27/07 12:52 am - TX
Well, I called back and seems that the "nothing relaing to obesity" included morbid obesity. I expressed serious concern and they told me I should speak to HR at my husband's job (or whoever negotiates the insurance plans). She said although BCBS will cover such surgeries with proper information and necessity, each individual company negotiates their rates and what they want to cover. My husband's job opted to not cover anything not them. So I guess as far as having insurance step up to the plate that's a no go, but as I said before if it's meant for me, then it will be. :) Again, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
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