Must be employed 5 years...
I have struggled with my weight for a very long time. I started looking into surgery maybe 5 years ago when I was unemployed and only receiving medicaid. In 2002 I started working for a insurance company and finally had real health insurance. A couple of years working there I started having a lot of complications because of my weight so I felt that was the perfect time to seriously make steps to getting some real help. Then I find out that the insurance that my company offers has a stipulation that in order for bariatric surgery to be covered you have to work for the company for 5 or more years. I could not believe it. So to add to my story in 2005 all of my health issues multiplied and the treatments that I needed to have would interfere with my work schedule not to mention I was very unhappy at my job due to stress. My doctor said that I needed to work part time so I could continue my treatments. My employer said they would not honor a part-time schedule and told me that since my doc had not given me a full clearance to return to work I had to resign for health reasons or they would fire me.
They wanted me to forfeit my benefits, right to long term disability payments, and any chance to having success in my weight loss journey. Since I have been out of work I gained more weight and my problems increased. I am so angry at my employer because even after they were forced to reinstate my employment and pay me long term disability benefits that 5 year requirement to be approved for surgery still stands in my way. I was wondering if anyone knew anyways to get around that. The insurance I have is Blue cross and their normal policies cover weight loss surgery as long as you meet the regular requirements of being 100+ over weight etc. I will have 5 years at the end of this year but I don't feel that I have that long to wait, I have waited forever to be healthy. I have tried Atkins, Weigh****chers, dieting and exercising on my own, I even tried Byetta injections. The only thing that help was weigh****chers but keeping track of points was hard and sometimes I still felt hungry (thanks to PCOS and hypothyroidism).