tricare PRIME ??
Surgery is covered if one of the following is met. "The patient is 100 pounds over the ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of the following associated medical conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome (and other severe respiratory diseases), hypothalamic disorders and severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints." or "The patient is 200 percent or more of the ideal weight for height and bone structure. An associated medical condition is not required for this category. " or "The patient has had an intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and, because of complications, requires a second surgery (a takedown). " You can go to their website and search "gastric bypass" and read about it more. If you meet the weight requirements for surgery, the first thing you'll need to do is get a referal from your PCM to see a bariatric surgeon. If you go to an MTF, some of the larger hosptals have a bariatric program in the hosptial, if not, your PCM can refer you off post. You can also search on Tricare's website which surgeons are particpating providers of Tricare. Many WL surgeons have a baratric program in place and their office will help you with all your appointments (psych eval, nutri appt, consulations, sleep study, etc) and necessary referals. Hope this helps some. If not, keep asking questions. Someone smarter than me (I'm just starting out the process myself) will be able to help you. Good Luck!
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