Can my OB/GYN be my PCP?
I'm new here and am just starting the Lap Band process. I am the beginning stages of getting my ducks in a row and gathering the necessary paperwork needed by my insurance company (Cigna). According to Cigna I need a 6 month Dr supervised diet plan. I've known my OB for a long time and know that he would do anything he could to help me through this process. Can my OB/GYN be my PCP for my Dr supervised diet plan?
Thanks for any help you can give me. :)
Maybe it depends on your insurance, but I'm personally using my Gyno for my 6 month diet. I asked my surgeon's office and they said it was fine. Definitely call your insurance and as them. I have BCBS/AL and they stated that it could be a PCP or an attending physician. I think you'll be OK. Good luck!