I can't believe it, I am approved for RNY!! The insurance lady at my surgeons office submitted all of the papers at 10:30 am and I called at 3:00pm and I was approved!!!!!!!! I am bouncing off the walls. My surgery date is April 30th. YEAH!!! The last year has been tough, but it really paid off in the end. I can't believe it. I thought CIGNA was going to give me a real battle for approval, but I guess I was one of the lucky ones! Good Luck to all of you waiting for approval. Keep with it!
I know exactly how you feel. To be honest I can't take all of the credit for my approval, Paul from Dalas sent me a ton of info that really helped me out. The most important thing with ANY insurance company is to give them EXACTLY what they are asking for and VERY CLEAR DOCUMENTATION of the medically supervised diet. If you would like me to email you a few things send me a personal message with your email address. I can't promise you anything, but I'm sure the info couldn't hurt. Hope to hear from you soon!
I have Cigna PPO and looking to have a LapBand after I lose a little weight first--always could lose, couldn't keep it off!
Anyway, I am on Medifast, I know other insurance cos have recommended this diet, but not sure about Cigna. I know I have to see my PCP and everything---but it's the diet I am trying to figure out if Medifast will be ok???