3 Month Diet for Aetna !
Your nutritionist should put you on a diet. I did the 3 month plan with
One more thing that I learned from my two denials Aenta wants everything to the word of the law and the way they look at the law. Three months is actually 4 visits. I had to see a nurse practitioner, a dietitian (twice), a psychologist with a full physiological evaluation, as well as taking a stress test.
If you have any
Thank You Scott ... I have already visited the dietician/ exercise thereapist 2 times she is the one who told me to use FITDAY.com and do less than 2000 calories and track my exercise ( no exact amount of calories ) so I have been taking in between 1600 and 1700 but I want to make sure this is ok with the INS CO. !!! This has been since March 1st when I started my 3 month diet. I weighed in on March 26th with the nurse practioner lost 7 lbs. I met with the Psych twice and I am weighing in again tomorrow April 6th . I also am attending behavior and diet classes one in April and one in May . Does this sound Ok to everyone ???
I just wanted to say "Hi"..I am just finishing up my 3 month physician supervised diet. He just wanted me to follow a weigh****chers type plan. He is not expecting too much success..which is why I need the surgery. He is really supportive and just wants to help me get the surgery.
Anyhow, I am the same height and weight as you-so I thought I would make a connection with you.
I thought the three months would take forever-it actually went pretty quick, once I got over my initial resentment at the insurance company.
Best of luck,
I too have Aetna and am required to do the 3 mth diet. I am 5' 1 and 216. BMI is at 40 with no co-mordities. I understand that Aetna is really by the book. I started my prep diet on March 26, so I am really concerned about being approved, I have been as high as 265. My surgeon put me on 1200 calories, some patients have to loose 10% of there body weight, I don't have to do that because I am not as high in weight terms. Anyway, hope you get approved, and I hope your 3 months doesn't drag out.