my husbands insurance
Any procedure to restrict the intake of food or other nutritional material or to divert the passage of such material through the digestive tract, including but not limited to gastric bypass, gastric balloons, jejunal bypass, laparoscopic banding and stomach stapling He is morbidly obese and has sleep apnea, high blood pressure, disc degeneration aggrevated by weight. gerd, inability to exercise because of back. So it is truly a medical necessity. I read the policy several times and there was no mention of excluding treatment of morbid obesity. Which from what I read is a recognized disease. Do we have a fighting chance to submit and expect to be approved with some or little hassle? I want this poor man to get some of the quality to his life back. His back doctor told him if he was to have back surgery it would probably not do much to alleviate all the pain and mobility problems