fed bcbs approved same day

April R.
on 3/28/07 9:13 am - Denver, KY
I can't believe it, but my date is April 5... only a week from tomorrow!  My co-worker Susan and I are going on the same day.  The girl that was scheduling the appointments even gave us the option of coming on TUESDAY!!  I think we both wanted to get things straightened out at work (and try to get as many hours in as possible at the beginning of the week), so we opted for Thursday.  Doc said that we only had to do the pre-op diet for 5-7 days, which involves high protein/low carb stuff - not liquid diet (thank goodness!). I need to update my profile to reflect my date!  It hasn't even had time to sink in yet!!
on 3/28/07 9:29 am - St. Augustine, FL
Congratulations!   Wow that date is really fast!  Mines 13 days away and I'm sweating it.  How long are you going to be out of work? Being I'm having an open RNY and I'm a walking letter carrier they estimate I'll be out a month. I can't wait to get this weight off of me, it isn't easy dragging it around for 7 hours a day.   You don't sound nervous at all,  I am!  But I figure it's for the best. Keep me updated. Josie
April R.
on 3/28/07 10:15 am - Denver, KY
I'm very nervous... I think it will sink in more tomorrow, though.  I was so ecstatic when I got home that I took a nap!  My husband changed shifts at work and my sleeping hasn't been so great this week. I work in an office (tiny cubicle), so I'm hoping to only be out for a week or so.  My surgery is on a Thursday, and if I'm lucky, I'm hoping to be back at work the next Tuesday or Wednesday.  I'll take the next Thursday off for another doctor's appointment (not surgery-related), so that will give me a little break. I'm having the lap band surgery.  I feel for ya' having the open RNY.  Was that a choice that you made (open vs. laproscopic) or that the surgeon made?  I guess I'm considered one of the "light weights" on here - current weight is 212 lbs - biggest I've ever been.  I'd like to lose about 80-ish.  I can't imagine a job like yours where I'd be on my feet all day carring around these boobs and this extra weight.  I hope everything comes out great for you. Keep me posted!!
on 3/28/07 10:28 am - St. Augustine, FL
The surgeon picked, although he does lap band and lap and open RNY, I know he likes open RNY the best.   I have a hiatal hernia, that's where your stomach is partly in your chest cavity.  So,  I have acid reflux disease and he felt the band would only agitate that further.  He is going to fix my hernia when he does my RNY,  I figured I would  prefer him to  do the surgery that he is most experienced with and most comfortable with.  He has done over 1000 open rny's. Don't worry, I'll keep in touch, I'm going to have a month of sitting around the house.  Not an easy thing for someone who walks all day long. let me know how you make out. I'll be thinking of you, Josie
April R.
on 3/28/07 12:04 pm - Denver, KY
My surgeon also told me that I have a hiatal hernia, but that it was nothing he was concerned about at this time.  He didn't mention fixing it, either.  I never really knew what it was until you said it was where part of your stomach is in your chest cavity.  I'll have to look into that a little more. I'm looking over my pre-op diet right now and making a list of things that I can have over the next week.  My papaw's birthday is Sunday and we're cooking out (weather permitting), so I'll definitely not be eating great that day, but at least I'll get the protein in with the burgers & dogs!
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