A Chance In Heck?
Hello all! I have been lurking for quite a while but have come out of the woodwork for some feedback on my situation. If YOU were BCBS (Emoire) would this suffice for approval?????
I have completed all of the necessary pre-testing "packet " that was given to me by my surgeon's office:
pscyh eval
nutritional eval
PCP initail letter of support including weight loss attempts, depression issues due to weight
6 months of regimented diet progress signed off by my PCP
Echocardiogram/EKG/Letter of support from Cardiologist
Esophagram-all good
Fasting Bloodwork-all good, slightly elevated cholestrol
Sleep Study (found to have mild Apnea! but no CPAP or titration recommended at this time)
Pulmonologist's letter of support.
I also threw in:
Endocrinologist's letter of support, evidence that my hypothroisim is controlled medically with meds
Over 6 years of endocrine visits, PCP visits,Pregnancy records (I had gestational diabetes)
Chiropractor letter to support my osteo issues.
A personal plea with my weight struggle history.
A CT scan I had recently that found I have fatty infiltration of my salivary glands. (this is weird but my PCP thinks it will be very helpful)
What else can I manage to come up wih to support my case?? Thinking a photo collage may be next!
Whattaya think? It all goes in either Monday or Tuesday.....until then I can't sleep, eat (shoicking!), and can't stop exercsiing to relieve the stress of WAITING. I'll be at goal by Wedned=sday at this rate! lol.
Jill in NY
needing some positive feedback......
"Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone"
-Dorothy Parker
Actually, I had Empire send me their exact written requirements and although they do mention that the patient must have a history of conventional failed diet attempt, there was NO "6 months" listed anywhere.
My Dr. wrote out the "minutes" of each visit:
patient's weight
diet being followed
food journal
very basic, but written by her.