Medicare Changes
Well. I just knew this was going to be over with for me this year but unfortunately Medicare has thrown something nice into the game. I recently found out that Medicare now requires a 6 month doctor supervised diet before surgery. I don't want to question anything. I know about surgery being safer and healing being better and all of the "good stuff" so losing some weight presurgery is a good thing. I have looked their website over up and down and perhaps missed something about this requirement being added last September, but I can't find it. I just hate the fact that I am now at a hospital that chooses to use all of their own doctors after telling us in their seminar that we could use our own. Now their doctor that is suppose to supervise this 6 month diet is not able to see me until June 14th. I don't have a problem with the diet it's the wait that's getting to me. Not to mention the rudeness that I encountered from that particualr hospital and it wasn't even from the people that I met. It was from the stress test department and I've never seen them a day in my life. The "girl" that wanted to send me to another hospital had better be so glad that I don't get to meet her face to face. LOL