Paperwork w/ Cigna
Just received a call today from the surgeon's office, they have received confirmation that my paperwork is "past the received stage" and is now onto the "precert stage".
My surgeon's office had a phone meeting with the nurse from Cigna who was collecting information. Not really surprised, the surgeon's office said they faxed over 90 some odd papers, but Cigna did not have them all, so they are refaxing today.
I am very thankful for everyone on this board who has shared their experiences before me, so that I know this is the norm for Cigna. I am staying positive. The surgeon's office said that nurse sounded 'nice'. The nurse is just 'beginning' to look at my paperwork, so at least we know that it is moving in the right direction.
Anyone want to take guess at when I will hear back from Cigna? One week, two weeks??
I said that to a friend and she said we should take guesses like they do on preganacy /(when the baby will come) birth dates. Ha! :-)