Aetna Help needed!!!
I have Aetna Choice POS II thru ExxonMobil in the state of Texas. My question is...Does anyone know if I am required to have a 3month dietician/dr supervised diet or a 6 month? I am currently on the 3 month diet with the dietician and I am afraid that I might need the 6 month. I have read two different things on the aetna website.
Any info would be helpful.
thank you
The 3 month diet is really tricky and if you call Aetna about it, you'll get a different answer every time. You should make sure you are getting your weekly weigh ins and seeing a trainer/join a gym as well as anything else they mentioned in the multi-disciplinary team. I have known people to get approved with the 3 month diet, it's worth a try, and if that doesn't work, then just add 3 more months. Good Luck
Hi Debbie, I have Aetna POS in CT and I saw in the paperwork that it had 2 options. 6 month with a PCP or a pre surgery 3 month interdisciplinary with pcp, nutritionist, behavior mod and exercise. I decided if I did the 3 months they would come up with a reason to say 6 so I am doing 6 with all they want in the 3 - the therapist is the best part for me - of course I am having a hard time losing weight - I feel because I am being told to - I am not!!!! Anyway, I am resubmitting on April 24 wish me luck!!!!