Aetna, approved or no??
I received my approval letter after the 1st submission to my Aetna PPO (pay out of pocket through Cobra). My surgeon's office told me I was approved and scheduled my surgery. I had surgery almost 7 weeks ago and now Aetna is telling me they are only going to pay $7,500 of my medical bills. WHAT???????
I had two complications from surgery that landed me back in the hospital twice after surgery for an additional 6 days so that adds even more.
WTH am I going to do??????
I called the billing dept at the hospital and they are saying they have no way of knowing what my plan benefits are (I don't either, I don't understand any of it, we are currently covered with Cobra and we didn't receive any information like this!).
Basically they said I'm up the creek and my only hope is to try and get the hospital to reduce my bill.
If I would have been clear on this upfront I would have never done this. It wasn't an option unless insurance covered it, and my surgical group told me it was covered!
We fought to get our insurance which we pay out of pocket and now we are going to have to sell our car. It won't even cover the bill. We may have to sell the house and move.
I feel so terrible.
If you insurance has paid anything you should have an explanation of benefits explaining what was covered and then a code that would tell you why the balance was not paid. Do you have that???If you can tell me what it says I may be able to help you figure this out. If you do not have one call the insurance and have one sent to you. How much of the surgon's bill did they pay???