The waiting is getting to me

veronica T.
on 3/14/07 10:54 pm - ny, NY

I don’t know why my doctor’s office process is this way but its sooooo driving me crazy I am anxious, I want to know already.  Now that I have a date I would be really disappointed if it does not happen.  I already prepared for it mentally and did all the steps it’s so nerve wrecking.  It’s a waiting game for everything and I just have to be patient but it’s really hard.

veronica T.
on 3/14/07 10:59 pm - ny, NY

Opps totally forgot to give you my surgery date LOL!!!  March 29th!!!!!  Is the big day

on 3/22/07 11:08 am - NH
Wow March 29th, soooo close.  keep us posted, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you get your approval. I know what you mean about being psyched up, and ready.  I will keep positive thoughts for you!
veronica T.
on 3/22/07 11:21 pm - ny, NY
Yes I am glad to say UHC approved me to get the surgery!!!!  They sent me a letter and I called to make sure it was true.  I was so shocked and happy and excited!!  I got the letter on the 20th of March they really cut it close, but I hear that alot of insurance companies wait till the last minute.   thanks for the support and all the positive thoughts it is really appreciated!!!!!!!  I will keep you posted as well

on 3/13/07 4:39 am - Shore Area, NJ

I would find out from Cigna how long it takes to show a claim in the system once it's been received. I have BCBS and it only takes 3 days for them to show it in the system. It does take them a few weeks to process it  but they should show it in the system rather quickly. I wouldn't full trust any office as things happen. Follow up til you know they have it.  and if they tell you that is shows in the system quickly then get back to your surgeons office and tell them you'll come by and pick up your paperwork to summit it again. better safe than sorry. I have read to many times of people waitng only to find out the insurance company didn't recieve it and have to wait again. lol Jen











































on 3/14/07 10:45 am - NH
I have asked Cigna, and it changes.  The most consistent answer is 15 days from receipt, then another 15 or so days to notify the dr if there needs to be anything more submitted. The dr office has called and Cigna has confirmed to them receipt.  They think it will be 3-4 more weeks until I hear something.  Wish I had bc/bs!  thanks!!
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