UHC driving me nuts
So, mad I can spit. I talked to someone on the 16th and the 19th all confirming my file was escalated to mananger. Turns out that my paperwork was in the wrong work que for a week so they decided they would escalate it. Now they are telling me that it wasnt escalated at all and that it cant be until tomorrow. I was told on the 16th it was escalated. They do it all via email to request escalation and they wont let me talk to Gina the one that did it. Cant talk to a supervisor just get sent to a darn voicemail. They cant even check to see if it really was escalated because its again done via email. What a lovely darn system they have going on. So basically they know nothing and cant use any tools to figure it out. Today is the 14th day, but they cant seem to count either and wont request it again until tomorrow. UHC is ticking me off today!!!!! Then they tell me well this isnt a primary surgery. She slipped and said not imporatant. Well lady, it might not be important to you but EXTREMELY important to me. Guess I get to wait some more.
Well, I have an update. I was approved today. All my babysitting them paid off. The waiting was annoying as well as the missinformation, but Im all set now. Keep in mind that after 10 business days your can request an escalation. Once its escalated it takes 1-3 business days. Dont let them tell you 24 hours, its a lie. They cant get to it that fast. The 5 year thing was no biggie at all. My drs.office sent that in as part of my records and they just make sure youve been obese for 5 years. Wishing you a speedy approval. Melissa
Guys I've got to say that UHC (EPO) was great. I had my first approval code in 3 days although it wasn't the correct one. It only took another week to get it corrected. I spent all of last year with Cigna and continually got denied each time because they kept changing the requirements mid-stream. (Surgery date 03/06/07)