BCBS PPO Illinois
Hello all.........I have read some great things on this site and I was wandering if anyone has any advice for BCBS of Illinois PPO. It is weird in the paperwork it says 6 monts supervised diet but 2 of my coworkers have had the same surgery and did not have to submit 6 monts worth? Do the rules bend that much?
on 3/2/07 1:03 pm
on 3/2/07 1:03 pm
I too have BCBS of Illinois PPO. The hospital sent in for Pre-Certification and I received a letter saying it was not approved until I sent in further documentation. My surgery was originally scheduled for 1/31/07. I visited the provider portion of their website and obtained their criteria for documentation for WLS. I submitted a letter from my Primary Care regarding 5-year documentation of morbid obesity, a letter from another doctor stating I had attended a nutrional counseling program for 9 months, a letter from the nutrionist with my weight loss charts and a letter from a Doctor from the medically supervised weight loss program within the bariatric surgery program I have been attending for over a year. I was told that the nutrional program I attended wasn't enough. I still was told it was not enough documentation...they wanted actual medical entries from my medical files. Although I felt this was a great personal infringement, I did send them my medical file from the past 10 years and my medical file for the past year and a half from the Obesity Clinic. I received another letter saying it wasn't enough documentation. I called BCBS and asked how to appeal this decision. The customer care person I spoke with realized that the second set of records had not yet been reviewed. She sent those along. This week I called again on Monday and they said it was still in review. I called again today and she said it was still under review. I am not sure if that is good news or bad news...but usually their letters of insufficent documentation were issued the same day of submittal. I feel frantic. Last year I was denied with Anthem because they didn't cover WLS. I felt uplifted when my husband took a new job and I had another chance with BCBSIL. Now I feel hopeless. What I have found after working with them over the past month is that YOU are your best advocate at this point. Read all their criteria and manage all documentation yourself. I had all my medical records released to me so I could ensure that what they received was what they requested. I also now have a packet of over 100 pages of documentation to use for an appeal if necessary. I have a BMI of 42, sleep apenea and borderline hypertension...though I can pretty much assure them that I will need blood pressure meds by the time they finally give me an answer. I keep watching people at the Clinic and they all are passing through insurance easily...Make sure you document as you go Half Pint! Good luck and God bless!