Waiting to hear something from Aetna

on 2/15/07 12:29 pm
I have Aetna and my paperwork has been submitted by my surgeon's office. I called today, 2-15, and they said it was received on 2-12, and has been sent for review. She said this can take up to 3 weeks. For everyone who has already been through the waiting game, can you tell me how you handled this. Did you call/not call? And if you did call, did you just speak with the person who answered the call or did you ask for a specific department? And then what should I ask once I have them on the phone. If they say it's in review, is that about the best you can hope for or is there something else I should be asking about? Thanks!!!
on 2/16/07 8:44 pm - Winthrop, MA
Hi  I also have Aetna and my Dr's office submitted my paperwork on Jan 17th and exactly one week later on the 24th I had my approval. Calling may or may not help ...all I know is I called on the morning of the 24th and Aetna said they had nothing in the system "sometimes takes a few weeks for paperwork to get filed" I was told but that afternoon my Dr's insurance coordinator called to say I was approved. Two days later I had my approval letter in the mail from Aetna. So basically all I can say is you can't always go by what they tell you on the phone so don't get discouraged. Time goes by quickly once you do have the approval ...my surgery is next Tuesday!  Rosie
on 2/18/07 3:17 am - Midwest
I called and asked if they had everything they needed to review my case and if so, what is the status.  They said they had everything but it was "pending".  I was approved that same day, but I didn't get my letter until 6 days later. 
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