Starting and have Aetna
I made the choice to do the LAP BAND about 3 months ago and when I started looking found that my Employer does not support this decision. My husband has Aetna, Open choice PPO. So we called them and switched. I am now covered buy them. Anyone have an idea about what the Insurance company is going to ask for? Any help is nice. Thank you
I have Aetna and I went on to the above website to get the information. My papers have been submitted to Aetna so now i'm waiting on the approval (hopefully).
Good Luck
I was approved by Aetna POS after an initial denial. They are very specific and they denied me because I didn't see my doctor 3 consecutive months... I saw the nurse one of those months...make sure your doctor documents very thoroughly that you are following their program, whether it be multidisciplinary or a 6 month dr. supervised diet and exercise program. Keep fighting if you initially are denied. Work with your insurance coordinator, they can help. Good Luck
I also have Aetna and I have done all my testing am just awaiting the information be submitted to my surgeons office. But you must do the whoe 6 month supervised diet thing at least 3 months being consecutive. From what I hear they are very strict about this in 2007. So my PCP is doing so addendum to her previous notes so hopefully I will have to gave maybe another month. (fingers crossed) Good Luck!!