Anyone w/ experience w/ Great West PPO - DIET req
I'm in the process of gathering up my "required" documents for Great West.
I do have a 8 mo. diet history with LA Weight Loss, which my case manager at GW told me would suffice. Problem is - I was on the program for 8 mos but during one month I did not weigh in but still did the program - does that still count? I have 5 mos documented straight - skip one month - next 2 mos documented. Do you think I will be denied based on this?
I'm just wondering how GW is in general to deal with. Should I expect alot of problems and prepare myself for a fight?
If you have worked with them, any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much,
Hi Adriana,
I have Great Westt too. For my policy I had to have medical supervised dieting for 6 months. I spent 2 years getting surgery approved and I am happy to say I was approved and had surgery Dec 11. You can get a list from Great West of all the requirements. Once I had everything approva was a snap. I had my 6 months in a row so I don't know how they will react to that but it said 6 months dieting within last 2 yrs. I never could get an answer if they had to be consecutive or not. I would just have them document everything and send it in for appoval. Let me know how it goes.