United Healthcare excluding wls
United Healthcare excluding wls
Original Post by Jenny Ratky at 9:38 PM AST on 02/08/2007
My United Healthcare Options PPO lists: charges for, or related to, the treatment of obesity, including surgery for diet or weight control, with the exception of charges for, or related to, the treatment of morbid obesity, when approved by SHPS. I am getting the run around from UHC I called twice before and they said WLS would be covered if pre-approved by SHPS. When I called today to ask another question I was told this surgery is excluded and would not be covered. I am so confused! The wording for the exclusion seems to go either way. Any info would be appreciated.
My experience with UHC is if they have an exclusion, there is no coverage. They originally told me that my surgery would be covered. Two days before they denied it. I had to come up with 15k immediately. It all depends on who you talk to what you are told. Make sure you keep a log of names and dates and times.
Good luck!!