PAUL IN DALLAS.....HELP RE: Med. Supervised Diet
Hi there: You have given me such terrific advice/info in the past that I was hoping you might help me again. I have just been called by Highmark BC/BS and told that although they ahve all the documentation from my nutritionist, they need a letter from my dr. stating that it was a weight loss program that was supervised by him. I kept asking the rep exactly what she ment by that. What must the letter contain? Of course, no one there could tell me. I asked them if it simply had to say "I, doctor Barba, supervised the weight loss program that Gina Breen has been on for the last year. She was seen by our offices nutritionist ...blah, blah, blah". Of course, they didn't know if that would be sufficient. They just aren't giving me any info at all. I called my doctors office and said that Dr. Barba probably has written these before and knows what to say but I was hoping that you might be able to tell me exactly what needs to be said. I am so scared that all these nutritionist visits over the past year have not been scructured in a way that will get me approved by BC/BS. Dr. Barba has an entire team and when you go to the first visit with him you get a packet that has all this informaiton and you are told to see a nutritionist on his team and that nutritionist sends all the information from each visit back to Barba to put in your file. Does that qualify as Dr. supervised? I have no clue? I have lost 12 lbs over this past year and feel the the nutritonal consults are the reason, however, I really don't want to have to start over. It would just be such a hard blow!!!! Please give me any and all advice that you might have in this area. I really respect your knowledge in this area. You've given so many people such terrific information and I'm sure I speak for others when I say that you are a very valued member of this online community. Thanks so much!!! Gina B.