No weight loss on supervised diet?
Hey all!
I searched around and didn't find a lot of info on this specific question so I figured I would post. I'm currently on the last three weeks of the 6-month supervised diet. I've been "officially" morbidly obese since I was about 12 years old but right now I'm pretty close to a BMI of 40. During this 6-month period I've only lost about 2 pounds.
Reading through OH I see some have said their insurance company denied them because they gained weight during the 6 month supervised diet. What about if you lose no weight or your weight lose was pretty much insignificant? Anyone have an experience like that? I'm just getting nervous now that the 6-months is almost up. I've beed dotting all my T's and crossing my I's making sure I have everything in order and I don't want to screw anything up. Thanks!
I just finished my supervised diet in December. In the beginning I was losing and then about half way I started gaining /losing here and there. At the end, I think I am 1lb higher than when I started. I think the most I lost was 12lbs. All of my info has been submitted to insurance so I will let you know how it goes for me. Im sure each insurance company has different criteria too. Im very nervous too and this approval cant come fast enough for me.
Keeping my fingers crossed,
I am 2 months away from being finished with my 6 month diet and I've lost only 6 lbs. My doctor said I may not lose any but she is documenting what I am eating and exercising.
We've been dieting and starving and dieting and starving our bodies for so long that they are hanging on for dear life to our fat stores. Its like our bodies are saying "it will be a cold day in hell before I let you lose a pound".
Each month during my six month diet I took my food journal and charts from so that I had documentation as to what I was eating and how my body was reacting. I was told that if I didn't lose any weight on a visit to make sure the doctor noted the reason -- body metabolism out of whack, change in diabetes medications, etc.
I am having everything turned into the insurance company this week and I think that I fall into the same category as you and others -- we are just waiting for a reason from the insurance company to find a little crack in our attempts so that they can deny us.
Hang in there!
I only lost 3 lbs on the 6 months supervised diet and still was approved by CIGNA on the first try. The reason you are asking for surgery is that you cannot lose the weight or keep it off. As long as your monthly visits to the doctor are well documented with height, weight, diet review, nutritional counseling, etc. each and every month, you should be approved.
hi- I can only relay what i have read on the boards... that they want to see some amount of loss so that they know you can stick to a diet regiment and wont be one of the 'non-complient' patients as far as being able to follow the post-op diet. With that said, obviously there are people that have been approved without losing alot (or with gaining), so it probably varies by insurance company. i just passed the 6-month mark BUT my first appointment was coded as a UTI (i was there for a urinary tract infection when i first talked to my PCP about the VSG procedure), so I am doing one more month to be SURE... oh, ive also read that 6 months is actually 7 VISITS, so be sure to get 7 in. I've lost approx. 22-24 lbs but i also went on phentermine hydochloride (generic for avastin or fastin i think) , and that helped ALOT. it was like my appetite was ZERO for 2 days on 1 pill. i only did that because the insurance requirements said i needed to 'consider pharmalogical drugs', but it did help. just keep all your records and you should be fine. good luck!!! Stefanie