Empire Blue Insurance (Blue Cross Blue Sield of New York)
I have an appointment on January 3rd in Colorado Springs for the seminar, so I am just beginning the process for bypass surgery.
I have been trying to be approved for surgery for over a year, but my previous insurance wouldn't cover it, even though my BMI is 52
Does anyone know anything about my new insurance and how difficult it is to get approved.?
I am so excited, because I do know that they do cover the surgery if it is deemed medically necessary, I just don't know what they consider medically necessary.
Any information would be greatly appreciate
Thank you
Thank you for your quick response to my question.
Empire Blue is new insurance for me effective Jan. 1st 2007, so unfortunately I don't know if they have changed their policy, but I really hope not.
Me and my husband have our first meeting with the doctor at the seminar on Jan. 3rd. and are really excited, but some of the things I am reading on the board about insurance denials is relally scaring me.
Thanks again,