Six month diet
The 6 month diet needs to be defined by your insurance company. Request your insurance company to fax you a copy of their guidelines and have them explain it to you. Make sure that with any calls you place with your insurance company, you get a name and document the conversation. This is very important. Some insurance companies will accept WW while others will not.
Good luck.
I don't mind the diet. I just wish the Dr and HMo would have been on top of this. I was given the option for wls 3 years ago. It scared me to death so I said I was going to do it with WW and hired a trainer. I got no where. I don't want to waist anymore time. If this started back in June then I want them to notify me to get it started. I've been working with them on this since last March. I guess I can complain all I want. It doesn't get me anywhere.