on 11/30/06 6:30 am
I dont think that going to mexico and having it removed would make a difference its still in your med history it would prob make you more high risk... If your husband got that job it doesnt matter how small of a company it is GROUP insurance plans cannot declare someone high risk and refuse to insure them they can however put in pre existing conditions BUT that just means that you need to show proof of credible coverage jsut a letter from your old insurance company usually stating you had insurance with them and there hasnt been a break in coverage of more then so many days as long as you can prove that or wait thru the waiting period without any related problems usually 6-9 mo you will be fine the only other option i could think of would be to insure just the kids on an individual plan and see if they have a temporary pol of some kind that covers catastrophic injury but even thats questionable the only other thing is that you can apply for group insurance if you are self employed and own your own company or run a bussiness of any kind and have prouf you can have a group of 1 and they wont look and they wont look at your med history.... well hope that helped GOOD LUCK!!!