Insurance Help
I was denied for surgery about a year ago, but have not given up on the idea, was wondering if there was any hope,I have Southern Health Insuransc HMO and I work for a small company, they did not purchase the Gastric Bypass rider. Is there any other way around this that insurance will pay for surgery.
What exactly does your insurance say about having weight loss surgery? I would find out exactly what your policy says and go from there. If your company has an exclusion and didn't opt to get a rider then there's nothing you can do. Insurance will not pay. Insurance is tricky and a lot of people don't ask. I know I didn't when it came to wls and now I'm playing the waiting game to see if our new insurance will also have a wls exclusion in the new policy. You might do what I'm doing and look for another job with insurance that will pay for wls. I hate going this route b/c I really enjoy my current job but I've gotta do what I've gotta do.