Help with a letter to my Inc. Co?
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing you this letter to give you a better understanding of what I experience in everyday life. Let me start by giving you a little information about myself. I am 33 years of age 5'7 and weight 260lbs. My BMI is 39.7. I am a mother of 2 wonder full children and engaged to my Fiancee for 17 years this September 2006 I hope some day we will get married. My daughter is 8 and and my son is 15. I'm a full time mother and I am currently taking care of my brother in-law who has been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy.
I am currently suffering from multiple health issues that limit my daily routine/activities. Some I have suffered from for most of my life. One being my weight and another main one is my back. Along with other recent health issues I can't afford to ignore any longer. I don't want to be unhealthy any longer. I want to live a long life to see my children have children of their own someday. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life and I have a family history of obesity. I have not always had medical insurance. There were periods in my life where I could not afford health coverage. So that leaves a good portion of medical documentation not present in addressing my medical history. I have gone long periods with out seeing a Doctor. I finally have medical coverage and I would like to address the health issues I am suffering from.
I have 4 sisters and each suffer from bone and joint disorders along with depression, sleep abnormalities, high-blood pressure, Diverticulitis, Diabetes, kidney problems, and bipolar. My mother has fibromyalgia and suffers everyday of chronic pain in every part of her body, she too is over weight and has all the health issues I listed above. My family medical history is long but, this letter is about what issues I am currently suffering from in everyday life. I to have been on medication for depression. I have had a long history of chronic back pain resulting in back surgery. That corrected the problem for a short period of time but has cropped up on me once again. I was told my weight has been most of the problem. I have been battling my weight for all my life resulting in medical issues and health problems. I have undergone a series of diets. I lost a good portion of my weight by taking an over the counter diet pill Mini-Thins (many types) only to find out they were not healthy and could cause heart attacks/problems. I stopped taking them and soon gained the weight back. I attended weight loss classes which I enjoyed tremendously (Jazzercise).
Again back troubles stopped my progress and once again I gained back all my weight. Its a contentious cycle of lose the weight, gain it all back due to ongoing back troubles. I'm so afraid to do anything in fear of hurting my back again. It is not a pleasant feeling to be in pain all the time. I have been to psychical therapists and even joined the YMCA to use the pool in hopes that it will relieve any injury I might cause my back from exercise. Having back troubles and now experiencing shortness of breath and sleep abnormalities makes it hard for me to function in everyday life. I wake up and find myself dragging with no energy. I have not had a good nights sleep in so long. I wake up off and on all night long. Some times trying to catch my breath. I also wake up at night with my acid reflux causing me pain. I know my health can not continue down this path. I'm finding it much harder to take care of the kids, my brother in-law, the house and, everything it entails etc...If I'm on my feet for to long my back aches. If I sit for to long my toes and feet get a numb feeling in them. At night I have a constant pain in the center of my back that keeps me from getting a restful nights sleep. I can not sleep on my back because I wake gasping for air. I can not sleep on my stomach because when I wake it takes all I can do to roll over because the pain in my back is unbearable. The only way I can sleep is on my sides and even then there is one spot in the center of my back that aches all night long.
The emotional part of being over weight is the hardest. Depression and stress can cause so many health problems for people. When most people look at you they only see what is on the outside. They have no idea who you are or what your like. Being over weight automatically gives off the impression to others that you are fat and lazy. That concept is so off base that it tears people up inside. It instills fear in people, resulting in seclusion from the outside world. It makes a person feel hopeless and worthless. I have suffered snide remarks and nasty glances. I have suffered so much from my weight, that it has caused me to become secluded. I try not to go out alone I always have one of my children with me at all times. It's getting to the point that my stress and sadness seems to consume my energy. I have suffered panic attacks in the grocery store and left my shopping basket where it was and went home. I think and talk about taking my daughter to the park but when the time comes I let her down with a broken promise. Experiencing panic attacks in public is humiliating and frightening. I'm tired and sad of braking her heart like this, if I could just get the weight off and keep it off making a lifelong change I would be a much happier healthier person. I hope one day to return to work and be a productive member of society. I would love nothing more to be in public with my children and feel like I'm on top of the world. I want to enjoy every second with them and feel good and healthy doing it. I try to do as much as I can with my children but its limited to the back yard. I want to one day be able to experience the things that make them happy so I can feel happy with them too. I hope that you can put yourself in my or an other's shoes for a second and experience such unhappiness and find it in your heart to help me accomplish this task at hand. To help me become health and live a happier life.....
Sincerely Billie Jo
for the most part, it looks fine content-wise.... though I would trim a little near the end of the paragraph where you mention not having health coverage, not being able to afford it, not having documentation for a period of time. It's OK to mention it, but that section seems to dwell on it a little too much. Mention it and move on so as not to draw too much attention to it, as they may view that negatively.
the next paragraph, family medical history.... you can leave out things like bipolar and depression. though the depression CAN be linked to obesity, even if remotely.... best to leave those out, as they technically aren't considered obesity-related comorbidities (like heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, arthritis, etc) Mental issues, while real and should be taken seriously, shouldn't come into play for them deciding coverage for WLS as long as you get a positive psych eval that you can make a rational, informed decision, and that the chances are good that you understand, and will be able to follow, your post-op guidelines.
personally, I would (in the last paragraph) take a little of the emphasis OFF of things like how you LOOK, name calling, emotional distress, etc.... are they real? of course! does your insurance co care? as a business entity, not likely too much. I would put emphasis on HEALTH issues... have you had a sleep study done? did they diagnose apnea or other sleep disorder? name it and how it affects you. Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure)? are you on medication for it? have you been tested for, and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? are you taking anything for it or is it low enough that diet and exercise will suffice for the time being. has your cholesterol and lipid count been high for the last 2-3 blood tests? are you medicating for these issues?
My point, focus on the medical problems that make it real for them. Do the group of kids at the mall laughing at "the fat lady" upset you and make you feel bad? OF COURSE they do... but does that affect your insurance co? no way. they (as a business) could care less that someone calls you names.... you have to make it real FOR THEM. show them that your obesity is currently costing them money and, if untreated, will exponentially cost them down the road.
it's not so much that it's "cheesy" as you said... really, it's NOT cheesy. but MY opinion is that your focus is on the wrong area.
if you decide to take any of this advice, feel free to post again if you want further input and/or proofing.
good luck.