Hello, I just got my letter.
After 3 denials, I was on my external review & they over turned Aetn'a decision. So I"M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw the letter in my mailbox this afternoon & got a sick feling in my stomach, like I was about to see another DENIED, so it was needless to say TEARS OF JOY are running down my face!!!!
I called Patrice at Overcash's office & she's not in till Tuesday, so hopefully I will find out then when I can have surgery.
I never thought this would happen in a million years, I am floating on air right now :0)
I was denied 3 times because my BMI went to 37 in the past 5 years. I don't have the Co Morbs. "They wanted" like diabeties, cornary heart dis. high Bp. On my 3rd denial they sent me a paper with directions for a external review, which I filled out & sent in & about 20 days later I got approved. The external review is sent to a Dr outside of Aetna. Which Gary on the ins boards says is much more lienient on things like that. I really thought I would NEVER get approved & was just abvout to give up, I'm glad I stuck with it.. Keep on Aetna.