Wausau Benefits & Fiserv FIASO
Does anyone have any experience with Wausau Benefits and Fiserv?
My story reads like War & Peace with them. First off, this is covered under my husband's policy. Second, my husband works for a company that is self insured. Anyone have experience with Wausau, Fiserv and the self-insured companies?
I have jumped through so many hoops I feel like telling the fight never ends and it would be easier to forget about it than continuing this circus event.
Oh, no!! I just saw this message and that is exactly what I have: Wausau Benefits, now FiServ. I haven't applied for approval yet, as my surgeon's office told me I would have to do the six month supervised diet before they would even apply for approval. PLEASE give me any tips on what to do or what NOT to do with these people! I'm sorry you are having so much trouble, now I'm anticipating the worst!!
Thanks so much.
I've already done the six months and believe me when I tell you I have been through hell and back trying to get them to understand that the place where I did the six months was sold and all the records submitted are all the records available.
Because the actual "check in and check out" dates and weight are not available due to computer problems on the end on the place I did the six months, Wausau & Fiserv want me to go through the six months AGAIN!
I have given them copies of my intake paperwork as well as a note that states when I discontinued the club and they claim it isn't sufficient enough.
I'm getting ready to publish my jounal online to warn others of how they work. They can be assured I'll be using real names and phone numbers as well. I have all their documentation and the problem is that IF you get it all done in three years GREAT - but my three year date was October 23 and now other things are going to fall off the three year window. I am in the middle of fighting with them.
My husband works for one of the largest food manufacturers in the country and getting help from upper management outside of our local plant in HR is a joke.
Somehow it appears medical decisions were decided by an HR manager, according to Fiserv & Wausau reps. They claim there is even an email that exists where the local HR rep told them to "Follow everything by the book." HR is supposed to help guide you through the process, this part I get. However, since when does HR get the liberty to play MD - especially if they shouldn't have my medical records nor was a HIPAA release signed for complete medical history disclosure??
Also in question is under HIPAA rules the HR Manager shouldn't have access to my medical history. I did not sign a release for her to have copies of it, and the corporate office of the company my husband works for sent one AFTER the fact and I specifically excluded all information other than the peices of paper in question. The HIPAA form also specifically excluded the local HR Manager and any other documentaiton. In essence, Wausau / Fiserv have no business discussing my health conditions with her. They only had the right to discuss with HER managers the documentation that was in question. Now, keep in mind, when I started this process, three differnt people said this documentation would be sufficient. I even have it in email from the local HR manager's file.
So, how did this happen? I didn't sign a HIPAA release. Interestingly enough, I work in HR and deal with many client companies who I steer towards what plan administrators to use and not to use. Needless to say, me experience with Wausau & Fiserv is going to be a very vivid nightmare to recall when I steer clients in healthcare directions.
I wouldn't be so pissed if the HR was helping the cause but she has done everything to prevent it.
At this point, I am supposed to have a teleconference once again with Fiserv, upper management in corporate and Wausau reps. I'm not holding my breath in upper management doing anything to help my cause. I have a feeling this is going to end up in appeal.
My question to anyone and everyone *****ads this - has an appeal ever been successful for those that had records lost due to ownership changes when doing the six month pre-requisite?
Good luck and I hate to say this but Alice Cooper said it best... "Welcome to my nightmare."