Waiting 4 Approval...and Stressing Out Badly!!!!
I finally have my surgery date set, but I am waiting for approval from my insurance company. Needless to say, I have not felt such angst in some time. My BMI is 45 and I have some co-morbities, but I got my health insurance from my employer only 3-4 months ago, so I am very worried that my insurance company will hold that against me. I am so stressed out I feel like crying. Please send me good thoughts. Helpful comments appreciated. Thanks...
Hang in there! I've been going through this since Feb of this year. My insurance co keeps needing more info (I think they are stalling) so everything that could possibly be turned in was sent again Friday. I'm just waiting now...like you. Try to stay busy on other things, that seems to help me. I wish you the best with the outcome. Just don't give up!