Hi Jamie: I have BCBS of Alabama and this is what I understand that they want. They do not want a form or letter from the doctor. What they want is an actual copy of your medical record. They will not accept just a weigh-in document. They want a detailed progress note from your doctor from every month (must be consecutive, meaning you can't have skipped a month) with documentation of your weight, diet plan and exercise plan included. I also made sure that my doctor documented that I was concurrently seeing a nutritionist. BSBC requires a nutrition consult (at least one, but I did several just to hedge my bets so to speak).
I would get my doctor to do a progress note for each month including the above information. My doctor also noted my co-morbidities (hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, arthritis, etc.) on the notes and mostly that I still had them. Also, what BCBS likes to do is they tell you that you need a certain amount of time for the diet (mine was 6 months), but if you try to get approved after 6 exact months, they will deny you, saying that you really need 7 doctor visits, as the first one is a consult. So...I started my diet in January, but instead of having my last visit in June, which was 6 months, I went for one last visit in July. I got copies of all my medical records from my PCP, psych consult (required by my surgeon) and nutritional consult notes and indexed it all and scanned a copy into my computer so I would have it for later if they tried to pull the "we didn't get the info" routine. Then I would be able to just e-mail them the whole lot if necessary. I took a hard copy of this packet and gave it to my surgeon, who in turn submitted it to BCBS. I got appoved in 12 days after that. I know how frustrating this must be for you, but I think if you get an entire packet together and send it all at once, you will have a better chance of them not saying that something is missing. Good luck!