- The intervention doesn’t have FDA approval to be marketed for the specific relevant indications;or
- Available scientific evidence does not permit conclusions concerning the effect of the intervention on health outcomes; or
- The intervention is not proven to be as safe or effective in achieving an outcome equal to or exceeding the outcome of alternative therapies; or
- The intervention does not improve health outcomes;or
- The intervention is not proven to be applicable outside the research setting.
Only 1 of the above needs to be "accurate" and it only has to be accurate in THEIR eyes. My insurance company KNOWS the band is FDA approved. They know the band improves health outcomes and that the band is applicable outside the research setting. Their main contention is bullets 2 & 3. It is because of this that they consider the band to be investigational/experimental. What really gets me is that they then say that there isn't enough data to prove the effectiveness of the band over RNY. What is enough? I've asked them and they don't even know!!!! Sorry, just had to vent and just put this down in writting. Maybe if I do it will stop bugging me so much at the stupidity and close-mindedness of my insurance company. If any of you have won the ulitmate battle after being denied with this specific language. PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SECRET!!!! Thanks, Gina

Angela: I've heard that BCBS Alabama is as hard of a nut to crack as my BCBS is (mine is Highmark BCBS) I think the experimental language was an issue in the past with Highmark also because now they put all those bulleted items in there. When I called the rep the conversation went something like this: me: so you are saying that even if one of these bullets in applicable, then it's considered to be exp/investi. them: Yes me: Which bulleted items are you denying me on. them: 2 & 3 me: But I gave you a ton of information in my appeal that showed the the band was as effective as RNY. I gave you 45 pages of medical studies!!! them: They weren't sufficient me: They weren't sufficient in content or volume? them: I don't know mam. They just weren't sufficient me: How many more studies do you need to have a sufficient amount of data? them: I don't know mam. HOW FRUSTRATING IS THAT!!!!!! How did it go with you Angela? Are you still appealing? Did you get the surgery somehow? I hope all goes well and that we both get what we deserve in the end. Take care, Gina