Eating Disorders
I was anorexia for about 4 years in my younger days. I think there are a lot more of them out here but either don't see it or don't want to admit it.
I starved myself to get down to 115lbs, only to gain it all back plus some and then I abused myself even after that with diet pills. You name it I tried it.
Since having my surgery my big fear is gaining my weight back and I think that's why I have been eating little of nothing but now I'm trying to improve my eating. Now that I'm eating more I'm suffering from awful gas pain and farts. It's know fun to eat and then have gas all night

No you are not the only one dealing with this. I was just discussing this on the July 2005 board. I was anorexic and exercise bulimic for years as a teenager. I realized just the other day that I was only eating 300 calories a day...which is not good at all. I have since upped my calories to at least 600 per day, and trying to get it higher than that. I am exercising but not the way I used to. you are definitely not alone.