No desire to even eat anymore
Hi my name is Tracy and I am going on my seventh week post op.. I don't even have the desire to eat anymore.. because food doesn't even taste good to me.. I am drinking my liquids and taking my vitamins , and I am forcing myself to eat, even when I dont want too.. I was just wondering if any of you guys have had the same problem ~ and what you did to get over it .
I have experianced the same, what I have found to do is set a alarm on my palm pilot to go off 6 times a day I have two different alarm sounds. One sound for the 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) then I have another sound for my snacks inbetween the meals and my nightly snack.
It sounds strange but it works. I was stuck at a plateau for 2 weeks and I talked to my dietian and she said that I had to get at least 80 grams of protiein per day and 75 -100 ozes of water/ day. So she gave me a schedule and I programmed my Palm Pilot... It sure helped I now am losing between 7 to 10 lbs per week since I have started the scheduling. I hope that helps you out.
Take care,
-145 lbs.
T ~ Not sure if you're still experiencing this; but I have what I call a mild aversion to food. Most of the time, nothing really sounds good and I simply eat whatever sounds "least yucky" weight loss has progressed quickly - 107 pounds in just under 7 months and I'm only 10 pounds from goal - I'm 5' 7 1/2" with a revised goal of 155 - I revised the goal after reaching my personal goal of 170 because I didn't think I could stop losing weight....I don't want to post on the July 2005 board because I'm sure some people would think I'm "bragging" about my weight loss....but I'm not bragging....I'm almost to the point of being worried that I'm losing too much, too fast...Hope you're doing well.