I"m To Tired & Want To Eat To Much!!!!!!
OK! I stopped taking my vitamins daily for about 2 weeks. Then started taking them irregularly. Now for the last few days I am taking them daily again. The problem I'm having is I want to eat all the time, (good healthy food) just want it all the time. Also, I am extremely tired all the time. I was eating some sweets, but have cut them out again. Has anyone had this problem, what did you do about it, and just how much should I be eating now. I am 14 months out and have lost 110 pounds. Also, how often should I eat? Thank you for any help you can give me.

hi Karen, Im not sure if I can be of any help to you. I have gone through the same as you. I am 7 months out and am at 102 pounds lost. I noticed last month I started getting hungry and eating everything it didn't even matter.. I was snacking and munching all day long and noticed how my weight loss stopped. Then I went and talked to a protein supplier. I had my labs done to find out that I am anemic due to me slacking on taking my vitamins. Now I take 6 iron pills a day and that has helped with the tiredness. I was falling asleep at work my eyes just would close and I would be done it was scary. I also started doing protein drinks instead of snacking. When im hungry I drink one and they fill me for a few hours until I decide to eat again. I've gotten used to this routine and it has taken my cravings away. as far as the eating goes.. Eat when you are hungry some say only 3 meals some say 6 small meals. I think it's whatever you need to keep you feeling human. I would get your labs checked if you are tired probably your iron. You might want to increase that. Since I started following my own advice here within in the last week lol I have lost 7 pounds and have gotten back on track. I hope this helps.. If you need anything or want to chat email me.. Good luck hon