Family Issues your help Needed
Hello Everyone,
I need some help from you guys, its kinda of a weight subject so here I am. I had been heavy all of my life and ended up having pre diabetes and high blood pressure at the age of 25. I looked at where my life was and knew that I had to make a change otherwise I questioned where I'd be in 10-15 years. I had gastric bypass surgery last October and since then have lost about 127 pounds. I sometimes have trouble seeing the new me and at times feel like I'm still that heavy girl. Some of my family members have said rude nasty comments towards my weight. I'm not sure they were really trying to hurt me, but then again maybe they were. I have an aunt that has see me at my heaviest and has now seen me loose and has now seem me now. Every once in a while she asks me how much I've lost and tells me how great I look but then sits their and compares her own body to me, saying stuff like your a size 14 thank god I don't weigh that much anymore. The last time I remember being a 14 was in the 6th grade so its been a really long time for me. I'd love to loose more and I'm working at achieving that goal by working out 3-5 days a week. I go to Curves three times and try and walk at least twice. I feel great about how my health has changed and I work on it daily. I personally think its a lot easier to focus on one day at a time Vs days, weeks, months and years. I also believe that my one day at a time will turn into all of that and will make me more successful at accomplishing whatever I want. Anyway this Aunt has seen me eat after surgery and yes I don't eat much compared to what I used to eat. She told me that she had read an article in the paper that told her that American eat way too much food and that we really only taste the first five bites and then it keep eating and eating and eating until its all gone. That's what she's doing now. Each meal it doesn't matter if its steak and potatoes or just a garden salad she takes five bites and then takes the rest home. She claims that she's full and cant eat another bite. I'm worried that she's not getting enough nutrition and that she could be starting to throw her system into shock or worse yet due to her small amounts of food intake she might be shutting some of her organs down slowly due to them not getting proper nutrition. She was a smoker for several years and stooped that after she saw her mother die from it. Due to other stresses in her life she's smoking again and now losing weight. My mom lost her older sister and her mom both a month apart in 2002 and is afraid that she will loose this sister too. How do I get my aunt to know that what she's doing is really bad for her body? She works out at curves three times a week as well. She doesn't really pay attention to her food all the time. I cant tell you how many times I've seen her eat off others plates. This five bite thing has been going on the last month or two and is really getting me worried. I almost feel that she's trying to copy my eating in efforts to loose weight.
Any advise you guys could give would be great,
Thanks so much!!
Rachel Erickson

Is your aunt overweight? If so, my guess is that she is eating plenty when you are not around. If she is thin then likely she has issues that are beyond you and your success. Although you perceive her behavior as nasty or negative, it seems to me that in her own way she is paying you a huge compliment. In the meantime, you are no longer the fat girl and even if you have more to lose, remember are so much more successful than you were! Maybe you should compare pictures of yourself today vs. pictures prior to surgery, I am sure you will be blown away!