I feel like a pig
I am only 9 weeks out and struggle with hunger constantly. My doctor telss me to just be stronger, and even put me on an antidepressant - nothing help I am so afraid I will just never succeed. I am embrassed by how much I can already eat. When I ralk to my doctor she just blames me but nothing stops the hunger

Hi! I know you posted a while ago, but I just wanted to offer my thoughts.
I am only 9 days post op, but I had this conversation with my dietician and surgeon. I will be hungry A LOT!! Thats because our stomachs are tiny, fill up fast, then empty fast. We are like babies who eat every few hours. You should never hold back from eating when you are hungry! EVER! And any good Doc will know that. Hunger isn't the enemy, bad food and eating when not hungry is! Just ask yourself if your hungry or bored. If your hungry, then EAT!!! And don't feel bad about it, thats what leads to eating disorders.
Good luck!

I eat small meals through out the day and sometimes it's not the best choices but sadly these WL surgeons push you into thinking you MUST only eat 3 meals plus maybe a snack a day so they put the guilt in your mind.
I'm going to get myself back on track here as I'm finding that I'm falling back into nasty eating habits. We have a snack machine at work, I hate those machines. It's easy to grab a small bag chips when I'm hungry then stop and have a lunch. I should take carrots with me or something I can snack on.
How much are you eating at 9 weeks out?
I am SUCH a food addict. Thank God for this surgery. I am an emotional eater also. Even when I fall prey to it, my little pouchie won't let me put away near as much as I used to. And I am thankful that I have not gained any weight. I hit a standstill, but I am not gaining.
It is SO hard! Know that you are not alone! One thing I try is to drink a LOT of water. If you do that, there is no room for food. And chewing sugarless gum between meals. I do have a snack mix that I make. It has peanuts, almonds, raisins, fat free pretzels and (M&Ms, for a little motivation!) The nuts are high in protein, and the pretzels fill me up to where I don't really eat much of it at all. I think part of it is that you have sit down and really decide on whether it is true hunger or boredom. I try to find things to do with my hands. Chores around the house, writing a letter, or playing my husband's X-Box. It does help. Or sometimes I just take a nap. Who couldn't use the extra rest anyway!
Hang in there. I know how you feel!
Lap RNY 5/3/2004, -136