Testing the Waters----> Must STOP!

on 4/18/05 5:32 am
This weekend I went to a party and tested the waters a bit. I am so aggrivated with myself because I had some Dorito's, glazed walnuts and sampled some Confirmation cake. I am worried that I will become addicted to the Doritos because I now find myself craving them. How do I break this quickly established junk food addiction? I don't want to give in because I refuse to go back to where I was before on the scale. I find that I am lately craving salt and when I had the Dorito's they tasted Oh Soooo Good! How do all you post ops handle these cravings as they come along? I was doing so well up until this past week, if I was sill menstruating you would think I was PMSing. Please help before I become totally hooked. Thanks Marianne
on 4/19/05 12:50 am - brigantine, NJ
if its salt, maybe try some jerky, its got that salt that you seem to be craving, and you can do "the dorito" grab a lil handful and snack, lol _mike openRNY 2/25 628/550/532/???
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