Hi everyone. I could use some advice. I had my surgery (lap RNY) on 2-2-2005, I have always been a big beef eater. I got some satisfaction from LS beef broth when I was on liquids for the first 2 weeks. My Dr told me to progress to pureed then soft as I could tolerate. My problem is I CRAVE beef. Not just the flavor but the mouth feel. I have tried pureeing some lean beef with LS broth and one taste caused me to get stomach pains. Obviously I have not tried it since. My questions are has anyone else experienced this, does anyone have any suggestions on how to get through this phase of my recovery? I drives me batty sometimes.
Thanks in advance for the advice
If you're allowed beef, try the canned corned beef (hash or regular). I like to steam the canned corned beef in the micro with plastic wrap draped over it to keep it very moist....then just eat with a spoon. Very good and already chopped fine. First meat I tolerated well.
The hash I would cook and then chop a soft fried or soft poached egg into. Yummm
Roast beef ground up with a food processor and add a little mayo to it or cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Very good. Or add a wee bit of gravy.
If yoiu check my website I have the typical food stages with some suggestions for each that may give you some new ideas. Just click the www under my post and chose food related topics.
Good luck!

I was having the same problem. I like beef, but hadn't been able to eat it. I had my surgery 09/03/04, and my suggestion is in a couple of weeks then try eating beef again. Someone suggested that I try things over again every few weeks or so until I could tolerate it. That seems to work. You will be able to eat beef again someday.
The other thing that worked is eating a really nice cut of beef. My husband and I went out to dinner and I ordered the Filet Migon cooked medium well and I was able to eat a good deal of the 4 oz. steak with not problems at all. Hope this helps!

I am over 4 years out and I still cannot eat beef with out getting sick. As soon as I begin to chew it and those delicious juices go down my throat my pouch starts to produce tons of mucus and then well... we all know where that ends up. I may get a single piece down but it always comes back up. I still keep trying every once in awhile though, just in case.
Hi Kathryn,
I love beef, and my sugury was 9/9/04. I have lost 97lbs since then and love a good cut of London Broil. I grill a large piece, at least 16 to18 oz, then have a ounce or two, cut small. Then I cut the rest up and put them in containers. I have those for snacks and lunch. I cook it rare, and when it is reheated in the microwave, it finishes cooking. My secret is to have cooked sliced onions or sour cream or cottage cheese with it. Protien on top of protien. It works well for me and I have no problems. Our body's are all different. I can also eat any kind of meat. What I have a hard time with is Chicken, it seems to get stuck on me. But as long as I have my steak I am good.
Keep trying, cut it into small bites, that might help.