Please help me...
Hi Guys:
I really need to hear from some of you guys. My surgeon had recommended the DS for me and submitted it to my insurance company but it was denied as investigational. But they said they would approve the RNY for me. I called a lawyer that specializes in this and they said my Empire BC/BS has never approved a DS and is not likely to. So now I am reconsidering the RNY.
l was told that with the RNY I could expect weight loss of about 40% of my excess weight. But with the DS it would be about 80% of my excess weight. My BMI is 56 so I am pretty overweight.
My dilema is my fear that with the RNY I would not be as successful and I have read on this site that a lot of people after a few years start gaining back their weight. That thought has me scared to death!
Can some of you that have been post op for more than a couple of years give me feed back?
Did you loose more than 40% of your excess weight and how are you doing now in keeping it off?
I had RNY in June 2004 BMI-54 and 380lbs as of today i am at 214lbs and BMI-28 and still loosing 3.5lbs a week the RNY was a life saver for me i had High blood pressure and an enlarged heart went to my cardiologist today BP is doing great and my heart in normal size now and the DR told me i am in great health no after loosing the 164lbs still have 25lbs to go. good luck with your surgery.
hi fran...
i too wanted a ds... but, my fab doctor told me this was "the golden way" and i took her word for it... this is a "tool", not a cure. yes, i would have liked to have lost weight my entire life, not worrying what i ate, but i needed my health back. i also found out i needed to learn how to eat smart and control my cravings! i started out feb. 18, 2004 at 377, and today i am 220 or a little below! i need to lose 50 more lbs, but i know i will do it! yes, it is hard work, and frustrating at times but i have only had a few problems since surgery, and i hear sometimes with a ds it's possible to have a bit more . do more research if you're not sure, but don't be afraid to have wls done. last year at this time i couldn't go to the mall unless i rented a wheelchair, and last week i walked an outlet mall for 5 miles! good luck in whatever you decide.....
Hi there...
I had the RnY in Feb of 2004, and have lost more than 100% of my excess. this surgery is a tool. Used well, expect excellent results. the DS is a bit higher than RnY 80% vs. 70% (according to my surgeon). BUT, are you prepared for a lifetime of diarrhea? That is what DS gives you. Chronic malapsorption and diarrhea. Doesn't sound like fun to me. I was told that procedure is reserved for the super duper obese people... those whose BMIs are beyond 70 and who need to lose a lot of weight..
I did well with the RnY, and I started at 330 lbs. Your stats are reflective of the LAP BAND, which is just a restrictive device that can be filled and unfilled. The rate there is about 40% and my surgeon said that the Lap band is for those patients who are obese, but not more than 100 pounds overweight.
Good luck to you
With the DS, you would lose MORE and have a FAR LESS chance of regain because of the malabsorption. For would only absorb 20% of the fat you eat....(journal article at home with list of probable absorption rates).
Daily vitamins are necessary of course, to negate the absorption effect, but this is easy enough.

Just clearing up a few misstatements...... ;)
I am having the DS (thank god, as I read people's issues with the RNY I'd be terrified to have that one)...but what I wanted to say is that....the DS does NOT give people a life of diarrhea. Sure SOME might be afflicted with this symptom.....but NOT all.
I'd gladly take diarrhea over the risk of obstruction, dumping, puking, and such that the RNY offers. Its really a choice that people make for themselves. I have chosen to live a normal life without the massive weight REGAIN that most RNY 'ers suffer from. PLUS, the idea of being able to eat like a regular person AND keep the weight off AND lose more really appealed to me.
Also, the DS can be performed on those with BMI's of 40 or greater. The malabsorption is easily taken care of via vitamins and offers us the ability to not absorb 100% of the bad stuff we eat.
I wish everyone the best of luck and a safe journey on your weight loss efforts. Please look into all sides of ANY surgery before discounting ANY of them! Then make the best decision.
I just had to add my 2 cents worth here.
I am happy for anyone who chooses to better their life and get healthier. I researched all forms of WLS for many years before making my final choice, including RNY and DS.
What saddens me is the misinformation that is given out on the boards sometimes. " massive weight REGAIN that most RNY'ers suffer from" ?
Please do not generalize. Because you chose something different does not mean that you are an expert. I do not claim to be one either, but as I said I have read and researched and have found no such finding.
Not trying to flame, just being honest.
Also thought that I would throw in that I have an aunt who had the DS. She did not lose 80%, and cannot "eat like a normal person".
Best of luck to all,
I wish I were an expert at ANYTHING. Never claimed to be. I was just imparting what I have learned as a prospective patient. I have a cousin who had the RNY and she's dealt with the stricture thing and had to be 'stretched' twice to the tune of $1,700 each time, she is nauseous constantly. That is why I started researching my other options. Its what we as our own advocates must do.
What is not good is how people say the ONLY good option is the RNY. Its got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bad points when you line them up. (Obstructions, no pyloric valve, dumping, re-gain, less lost with the RNY compared to the bad points on DS - the malabsorption - which is also a good thing if you take your vitamins and the fact that SOME people have smelly poop --didn't know any of it smelled good. LOL) I was all set to get the RNY until I did the pros and cons list.
That is what each person needs to do. Its an individual decision. My own surgeon does both and will NOT tell you which one to get. He does offer the knowledge that in HIS opinion the DS is the best one, esp for those with more to lose.
I am also a nurse by trade, and one of my classes was on Weight loss surgery (continuing education credits) some of my so-called expertise comes from that research. That is where I first learned of the weigh re-gain issue with a high percentage of RNY'ers.
All I know is what I have seen or researched. We are all here to learn. We ALL must live with what we think is best for us. My cousin felt that constant puking and obstructions was worth it for her. I feel my choice is best for me.
NO surgery works 100% for EVERYONE. There are RNY'ers who've lost 100% of excess just like there are DS'ers who've done the same, but there are those in each category who haven't lost near enough. I think alot of it depends on compliance. Protein, water, and you know are key. So many people don't get enough of one or more of those and blame their TOOL for not making them lose. I will have a whole new learning curve with this tool I've opted on and I look forward to it and all I can pray for is to be successful and be the best ME I can be.
If you've taken my response the wrong way, sorry. Was just trying to explain what I know and to tell you I certainly know I am NOT an expert.
Best wishes in your journey